
错误代码 返回msg 详细描述
429 Requests are too frequent 请求过于频繁
430 please set the Authorization in headers 请在header中传入token
431 token check failed token身份校验失败
6001010101 product is not exist 产品信息不存在
6001010201 the param tags passed must be an array 参数tags必须是数组
6001010202 the param catename can not be empty 分类名称不能为空
6001010203 the param catename does not exist 分类不存在
6001010204 the param brandname can not be empty 品牌名称不能为空
6001010205 the param brandname does not exist 品牌不存在
6001010206 product add is failure 产品增加失败
6001010301 product del is failure 产品信息删除失败
6001020101 the category name must be a string less than 50 characters 分类名称必须小于50字符
6001020102 cate adds failure 分类增加失败
6001020201 cate is not exist 分类信息不存在
6001020202 cate delete failed 分类信息删除失败
6001030101 brand add failed 产品品牌增加失败
6001030202 brand is not exist 品牌不存在,无法删除
6001030203 brand del failed 品牌删除失败
6002010101 please check if there is an empty parameter 必填参数不能为空
6002010102 cate can not be empty 文章分类不能为空
6002010103 cate is not exist 文章分类不存在
6002010104 article add is failed 文章增加失败
6002010201 article not exist 文章不存在
6002010301 artice del failed 文章删除失败
6002020101 cate must be a string less than 50 characters 分类名称小于50个字符
6002020102 cate add failure 文章分类增加失败
6002020201 cate is not exist 分类不存在
6002020202 cate delete failed 分类删除失败
6005010101 please check if there is an empty parameter 请检测下必填项
6005010102 cate can not be empty 案例分类不能为空
6005010103 cate is not exist 分类不存在
6005010104 case add is failed 案例增加失败
6005010201 case not exist 案例不存在
6005010301 case del failed 案例删除失败
6004010101 please check if there is an empty parameter 请检测下必填项
6004010102 cate can not be empty 分类不能为空
6004010103 cate is not exist 分类不存在
6004010104 news add is failed 新闻增加失败
6004010201 news not exist 新闻不存在
6004010301 news del failed 新闻删除失败
6003010101 please check if there is an empty parameter 请检测下必填项
6003010201 solution not exist 解决方案不存在
6003010301 solution del failed 解决方案删除失败
6020010001 No relevant data was found 未查询到相关数据
6020010002 The variable name already exists 变量名已存在
6020010003 Insert failure 插入失败
6020010004 Update failure 更新失败
6020010005 Delete failure 删除失败
6020010006 The length of the variable name is 1-10. The variable name can only contain letters, numbers, underscores 变量名称的长度为1-10之间,字母开头,只能包含字母、数字、下划线
6020010007 The length of the variable value is between 1-1000 变量的值的长度为1-1000之间
6020010008 The length of a variable remark shall not be greater than 50 变量的备注的长度不得大于50
6020020001 No relevant data was found 未查询到相关数据
6020020003 Insert failure 插入失败
6020020004 Update failure 更新失败
6020020005 Delete failure 删除失败
6020020006 The name of the template is within 20 words, Chinese characters, numbers or letters 模板名称的格式为20字以内汉字、数字或字母
6020020007 Pagetype is not correct 页面类型(pagetype)不正确
6020020008 Tempmodel is not correct 关联模型(tempmodel)不正确
6020030001 No relevant data was found 未查询到相关数据
6020030003 Insert failure 插入失败
6020030004 Update failure 更新失败
6020030005 Delete failure 删除失败
6020030006 Username must not be empty 用户名不得为空
6020030007 Email must not be empty 邮箱不得为空
6020030008 The email format is incorrect 邮箱格式不正确
6020030009 Email has been registered email已经被注册
6020030010 Mobile must not be empty 手机号不得为空
6020030011 The mobile format is incorrect 手机号格式不正确
6020030012 Mobile has been registered 该手机号已经被注册
6020030013 Password must not be empty 密码不得为空
6020030014 The password format is incorrect 密码格式不符合要求
6020040001 No relevant data was found 未查询到相关数据
6020040003 Insert failure 插入失败
6020040004 Update failure 更新失败
6020040005 Delete failure 删除失败
6020040006 Homepage is not allowed to delete 网站首页不允许删除
6020040007 Please complete the page information first 请先完善页面信息
6020040008 Pctemplates and mobiletemplates must not be empty 请先选择模板

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